Fair Processing Notice
Gourmet Burger Kitchen (“GBK”) has asked us, Market Force Information (Europe) Limited (“Market Force Information”, “we” or “us”), to conduct an online survey regarding the experiences of customers who have visited http://tell-gbk.co.uk.
So that you understand how we will use your personal data, we are providing this Fair Processing Notice.
1. Contact Details
GBK is the Data Controller who decides how your personal data will be used. You can contact them using the below details:
Gourmet Burger Kitchen
1 Lindsey Street
Suite C Second Floor
Market Force Information is the Data Processor and you can contact us using the below details:
Market Force Information (Europe) Limited
Scorpio House
Rockingham Drive
Linford Wood Business Park
Sunrise Parkway
Milton Keynes
MK14 6LY
United Kingdom
2. What Personal Data and Why
At no point during the survey will you be under any obligation to provide any personal data. You may still take part in the online survey, leaving some sections blank, should you not wish to give some or any of the personal data in the few places where this is requested.
However, at the end of the survey, you will have the opportunity to voluntarily request GBK contact you, opt into receiving communications from GBK or apply to register with us as a Mystery Shopper. For further details on how your personal data shall be used for each one, please see below.
Request to be contacted by GBK
At the end of the survey, you will have the option of asking GBK to contact you in the event that you were unsatisfied with your visit and wish to discuss this further. If you want to be contacted by GBK, you will have the option to select how GBK contacts you and we will share your preferences and personal data with GBK.
GBK will use these details for the purposes of contacting you and answering your questions, as well as for handling and processing your request.
Opt In to receiving marketing communications
GBK would like to send you information about its products and services, by email At the end of the survey, you will have option to opt into receiving marketing communications. If you consent, you will have the option to select how GBK contacts you and we will share your preferences and personal data with GBK.
Registration as a Mystery Shopper
At the bottom on the survey page, you have the option to register with us as a Mystery Shopper.
If you wish to register as a Mystery Shopper, please check our privacy policy for further details on how we will use your personal data. You can access our privacy policy at http://www.marketforce.com/en-gb/privacy-policy
3. Recipients of personal data
We will share your personal data with GBK for the purposes explained above.
When we transfer your personal data to Market Force Information group companies based in the U.S., we rely on our certification with Privacy Shield. You can find a copy of our Privacy Shield certification here: https://www.privacyshield.gov/list Where we transfer personal data to our office in Canada, we rely on the fact that Canada has been designated by the European Commission as a country which offers an adequate level of protection for personal data.
All personal data is stored on servers in Jersey with backup in Guernsey provided by our third party provider. The servers are protected by technical and organisational measures that are appropriate and tailored for data and IT security, specifically protecting data from any unauthorised entry, access and seizure, or any modification or loss of data.
4. Retention of personal data
The amount of time we hold your personal data will vary but shall be kept for no longer than is necessary for the purposes explained above, or until Hollywood Bowl request us to delete it. Until that point, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure your personal data is kept secure.
For details on how long GBK will hold your personal data, please click here: gdprenquireies@gbk.co.uk
5. Your rights
Where applicable and legally enforceable, you have the right to request information relating to the processing of your personal data, the right to have your personal data corrected or deleted, the right to withdraw consent, and the right to object to processing of your personal data.
To exercise these rights, please contact GBK by email, at gdprenquireies@gbk.co.uk
6. Further information
For more information, you can access our privacy policy at http://www.marketforce.com/en-gb/privacy-policy
You can also access GBK’s privacy policy at www.gbk.co.uk/privacy-policy